Tel: (716) 873-0081 Fax: (716) 873-0154
265 Mayville AveBuffaloNY 14217, USA
EDG-trac Knife Advance in Operation

EDG-trac Features and Benefits

Infinite Adjustment Extends Cycle Times and Conserves Precoat

  • Will cut as slow as 0.0003 inches/min.
  • Extend cycle times by hours or days.

Precise Control Optimizes Cake Removal

  • Cuts 0.003 (inches/drum revolution) at drum speeds as low as 0.1 RPM.
  • Removes exactly the right amount of precoat and all cake.

Automatic High Speed Reverse Minimizes Operator Involvement

  • At end of filtration cycle, knife automatically reverses and retreats to "home" position at high speed.

PCL Control Automates Knife Advance Operation

  • Allows knife and drum controls to be combined.
  • Create multiple presets for knife speed.
  • Implement security to limit access to authorized personnel
  • Displays Critical and Helpful Information
    • Knife Speed  (inches/drum revolution)
    • Knife Actual Speed (inches/minute)
    • Knife Position from Drum Face
    • Time Remaining in Cycle
  • Tie into plant DCS.

Manual Control Option Reduces Purchase Cost

  • Uses Potentiometer Control to set knife speed.
  • Displays knife speed as in/min.
  • Includes automatic high-speed knife retract and manual High Speed Forward and Reverse.

Replace Inefficient or Broken OEM Knife Advance

  • Broken or worn out knife advances either do not remove enough cake to be efficient or they cut too deep which wastes precoat and increases operating costs.
  • Many older OEM knife advances, even when working correctly, do not cut precisely which shortens cycle times and uses excess precoat.
  • Retract operation on many OEM designs is dfficult. Some require manual operation which in some cases requires exposing opertor to moving parts. 
    • Some OEM designs use separate motors for advance and retract which adds to maintenance requirements.

System Components

  • Single Motor Clutch-Free Design is highly efficient, contains fewer parts, and is easy to adjust
  • Stainless Steel Construction for corrosion resistance
  • IP65 Touch-sreen and Controls for precision control and integration with existing control systems
  • Knife to Drum Position Readout aids precision adjustment for efficient use of precoat material
  • Auto and Manual Sequencing for easy operator adjustment
  • Redundant Travel Limit Protection and Alarm prevent damaging contact between knives and drum

EDG-trac Knife Advance System

Encoded Digital Guidance for Rotary Vacuum drum Filters

The proprietary EDG-tracTM Knife Advance System from TriStar improves filtration performance and energy efficiency on all pre-coat type RVDF's.

NEW: See the News Release on EDG-trac featuring the results of a field test showing the increase in filtration performance and energy savings with EDG-trac.

TriStar Ltd
265 Mayville Ave.Buffalo, NY14217US
Phone: 7168730081 Website: